Wednesday, February 9

Never Let Me Go

I'm not sure when I first heard Kazuo Ishiguro's novel Never Let Me Go. I may have read a review somewhere or saw a preview for the movie and thought I should check out the book. Regardless, I put it on my Amazon wishlist at some point and then when ordering some other items not too long ago, I decided to purchase it.

The story revolves around three main characters Kathy, Ruth and Tommy and is told from Kathy's point of view as a 31-year old women. You learn that the 3 were lifelong friends that grew up together at a prestigious boarding school in England. There is something different about the students at this school though, something that they learn about slowly as they continue their education. It's hard to say too much without giving away the secret of what makes these students different, but this is an interesting story about life-long friendships, love and loss.

I really enjoyed reading this book and found it hard to put down. The secrets of what makes the school and students so unique are slowly given to you, like they are to the students, although I did have an inkling of what was happening. In the end you do learn what makes the students so special and why they are treated so differently, but the real world implications are never touched upon, which makes me think this novel would be a good pick for a book club discussion.

Find it Never Let Me Go at your local library or order it from Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone talks about this one but I'm not sure if it's for me because of certain elements that I've heard about. Who knows. I may still read it one day just out of curiosity.
